Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Past Two Weeks

These past two weeks have sure been interesting! What an emotional experience it is to be a mommy! I have certainly learned a lot and definitely have a lot more to learn. It's amazing to see growth and changes in Trafton even in two short weeks :) He has gained back his birthweight plus some, is enjoying being on his tummy more, has a bunch more head/neck control, and . . . has learned how to exercise his lungs more . . . However, he is a great nighttime sleeper - we are definitely hoping that doesn't change - ever! Trafton sleeps from 8 pm to 8 am waking every 3 - 4 hours to eat. He hasn't really had a fussy night yet, although his fussy times in the day are ever-increasing! We love to hang out on the back patio with him in the evening time. Here are some pictures of Trafton over the last two weeks.

Sleeping in the Pack-N-Play

All snuggly

Not quite ready for a nap . . .

Grandma O'Hare with her 'little cutie"

Grandpa O'Hare celebrating Father's Day
When we came home from the hospital, my mom and Jason had made a WELCOME sign and put balloons up!

Relaxing on our back patio

Daniel and Trafton in front of our pond garden I cultivated last spring

Our little nature lover :)

Happy to be outside

The sign that was made for our window

Trafton's first bath!

All cozy in his bathrobe and slippers - he loved getting a bath so much!

Trafton was so relaxed after his bath that he slept for the next 4 hours (he hasn't done that since!)

Still chillin' in his bathrobe

Rich and Fawn

Karen and Holly

Jessica and Joe

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your newest family member.
    What a cutie! Thanks for sharing all those photos of Trafton. This will be a quick year for you. Enjoy every moment. -Toni
