Thursday, August 9, 2012

Uncle Michael and Aunt Courtney Visit

Last Saturday Daniel's brother, Michael, and his wife, Courtney, came to visit us.  It was a rather hot day, so we got out Trafton's pool, which he loves.  It was great to spend the afternoon together!

Courtney's first neice

Daniel and Michael were harvesting the garden.  Our garden may have gotten slightly neglected in the presence of Quay's birth, so there were some really large veggies.  Trafton was exceptionally excited about an extremely huge zucchini, and he sort of obsessed over it.  He wanted to carry it around, but it was so heavy and large that he got all wobbly when he picked it up.

Not willing to accept help moving his zucchini

Almost the same size

Trafton mostly likes to do whatever Quay is doing, so he had to lay next to the zucchini, too.  Then he started to cuddle with it . . .

Even though we got the pool out, the zucchini obsession continued and, of course, the veggie had to go swimming with Trafton.

Aunt Courtney and Uncle Michael