Friday, August 24, 2012

New Sleeping Arrangements

This past Tuesday night, we decided it was time to put Trafton in his new room in his 'big boy bed.' Our very particular daughter has decided for herself that she is no longer willing to sleep in the bassinet, so she was moved to the crib in the nursery on the same night that Trafton left the crib.

The day before, on Monday, we tried having Trafton nap in his new bed, but this was not successful at all. He cried and cried and tried to escape. Fortunately there are some doorknobs in our old house that are difficult to open and his new doorknob is one of them. Therefore, he was stuck in his new room. Daniel and I took turns going in there and trying to soothe him and put him back to bed. Eventually he calmed down and just decided he would play with his toys rather than nap. He never did go to sleep. This gave us little hope for him ever leaving the crib behind.  We decided to save ourselves another round of stress that night and let him sleep in the crib at bedtime.

Quay has been getting more and more insistent on sleeping in our bed rather than in her bassinet over the last week or two.  Most of the time I don't even have to hold her anymore - she just wants to be in the bed.  It doesn't seem to matter if she is in the bed by herself or with someone.  When we moved her into the crib on Tuesday night, it was the best she (and we) have slept in weeks!  Last night she slept from 8:30 p.m. - 3:00 a.m.  It was amazing since she has been waking up every two-three hours overnight while in her bassinet.  Trafton moved from the bassinet to the crib at ten weeks after he was sleeping all the way through the night.  So far the idea about girls maturing faster than boys is holding true since Quay moved to the crib before she was six weeks old :)

Trafton also went to sleep very successfully on Tuesday night despite refusing to nap the day before.  He also has napped the last couple of days in his new bed very well.  He often plays in his room for about an hour before falling asleep.  Yesterday he amused himself by banging loudly on his door and calling "Mama!" repeatedly and then laughing when I would come in the room.  The day before he brought some of his smaller toys he could reach from his nightstand into the bed with him and played.  Last night and today before nap when we put him in his bed, he very smugly said, "Bye-bye," as if he was such a big boy telling us to leave him alone.  So cute!

Last time in the crib!

First successful twin-sized bed sleep!

Get me outta this thing - can't you see I'm too big?

Ahhh . . . heavenly.

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