Monday, August 13, 2012

Trafton Newly Two

Trafton has been a fabulous big brother during the past month since Quay's arrival.  But before I explain what a great brother he is, he deserves a Trafton only entry into this blog.  Many of these are from before Quay was born, but some of them are from after.  These are all from just after he turned two years old until recently. 

Trafton continues to impress us with his ever expanding knowledge and words that he can say.  He is moving up to the next room during these next couple of weeks at his day care and there will more expectations to follow a schedule and participate in structured activities.  He has been attending two days a week and he will continue to do that until November when I plan to return to work.

Bubble mower!

The bubble mower and the wagon at the same time

Front yard

I order all my diapers from and lately Trafton has been enjoying the boxes that they come in.

Our cat, Charley Hogan, just waits and waits under Trafton's chair as soon as Trafton gets in it.

Daddy's shoes - Trafton was very pleased with himself.

We have started to move parts of Trafton's current room into his new room (our current guest room) so that when Quay is ready to leave our room, she can take over Trafton's old room.  This is him playing in his soon-to-be-new-room.

A favorite backyard activity

Rolling on the floor with Daddy

Taking a ride
Trafton has absolutely zero interest in using a potty seat - I am afraid I am never getting him out of diapers!  He refuses to sit on it without clothes on.


Enjoying ice cream at The Big Chill

Cuddling with a very pregnant mama

My handsome fellas

Watering the garden and also enjoying the sprinkler's water on this hot night

Trafton's favorite CD - Keller and the Keels

One of his favorite inside things to do is push around these two trucks at the same time.

We slowly started putting out baby stuff for Quay before she arrived.  When Trafton came home from daycare, he noticed the swing immediately and, of course, thought it was for him.

New tricycle for Trafton's second birthday from Grandmom and Grandpop - it's a little too big for him yet, but it won't be long before he grows into it.

New Tonka truck from Uncle Jon and Aunt Melissa for Trafton's birthday that Trafton just loves playing with

One of my favorite pictures - Trafton is looking at a bee in the garden with Daniel.

Can't get enough pictures of these two!

Helping with the cauliflower harvest

Thankfully, Trafton continues to respond well to time-outs.

We are just about at the end of Trafton's crib days, since Quay will need it sooner than later. 

1 comment:

  1. So Sweet I can't believe how big he is I have not looked at your blog in so long....congrats on the sweet girl that is awesome....
