Monday, November 8, 2010

Halloween (Daddy's Little Pumpkin)

Daniel's Aunt Loretta found this adorable jack-o-lantern costume for Trafton this year. It fit him just perfectly! He wore it all weekend :) On Saturday, we went to a going away party at Brett and Morgan's place for our friend Jeremy who is moving to Washington state. On Sunday, we stayed in, watched the Jets, and Trafton helped me hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters who came by.

Here is Trafton with Rich and with Lindsay at Jeremy's going - away party on Saturday night.

Trafton 'helping' me hand out candy on our front porch.

A quick visit to our neighbors' house - Bernie and Joanne.

Trafton didn't quite last through all of the trick-or-treaters - time to come inside and head up to bed!

Brett and Morgan recently moved to a really fantastic house in Danville and Brett has set up a home studio in one of the buildings on the property. Here are some shots that he took while we were at Jeremy's party.