Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 Months Old

Today Trafton turns 5 months old! He is getting so much more active and fun. Some of the things that I enjoy most about Trafton are: when he's done eating, he stops, looks up at me and sticks his fingers in my mouth - he grabs at everything, from toys to the cats to us to the plants (the other day I saw him quickly grab a piece of Christmas cactus and stuff it in his mouth, which I then took out and he then screamed) - he opens his mouth really wide when he gives a big smile - his giggle and squeal - he is so quiet and peaceful every single time I take him for a run/walk - he recently started scooting on his backside by arching his back really high and pushing off with his feet, he moves himself completely across a room doing this - he totally refuses any tummy time at all by instantly rolling onto his back (he may never crawl at this rate) - and he wakes up so sweetly every morning at 7:00 am.

Getting ready for bed, but first grabbing Daddy's face

He loves to stand -putting Trafton in this position almost always gets him to stop fussing.

Trafton really enjoys this, too.

We listen to music pretty close to every waking moment in our house. When a song that I really love comes on, I usually grab Trafton and dance to it.

Here it is past Trafton's bedtime, but he just wasn't falling asleep, instead he was screaming in the crib. I went and got him and, of course, as soon as he was in the standing position, he calmed down.

On our way to the Blue Moose Market

Visiting Daddy in the backyard - Daniel was winter-fying the outside of our house by getting rid of everything in the garden and removing all the annuals that would soon die of frost.

Morning story time

Daniel's football watching chair - sometimes Trafton watches the game, too (although not the whole game).

Cuddling with me while I read about making baby food - who knew there was so much to learn about making natural food for a little guy?

Almost twins!

My friend Autumn gave us a TON of baby clothes - two huge garbage bags full. It took a long time to go through them all, but it was SO worth it! She and her husband have a little boy and are expecting a baby girl next month, so she has no more use for boy clothes. Trafton's wardrobe just expanded times ten for the next several months. Here is a picture of him on top of one of the many piles that I made. He was very happy to lay with us as we watched the Jets and organized clothes.

We borrowed an exersaucer from our friends John and Jacquie and recently started using it. Trafton really seems to enjoy it!

A picture that I can neither flip, nor delete, due to my lack of computer skills . . .

An extremely rare moment (like, maybe the only time ever) that Trafton stayed on his tummy for more than five seconds before screaming and immediately rolling onto his back. Maybe there is hope for him crawling :)

He loves books, but mostly just for tasting.

Trafton just before going for a run, sticking the seat cover in his mouth.

Trafton completely knocked out by a long run around town with his Dad.

Trafton sits at dinner with us every night like this and usually just plays with toys. This week he has been extremely interested in our food, which makes me think that he is ready to start eating. Here I am giving him breastmilk on a spoon, which he seems really excited about. I had to get two spoons and give him one to play with so he would stop grabbing for the one I have. We are planning to begin foods this weekend. He also has a sippy cup of water which he hasn't actually figured out how to use yet. I have been giving the cup to him every day because he is off to daycare starting January 3rd and still absolutely refuses to take a bottle. I am hoping that he'll be able to drink his milk from a cup during the day while I am at work.


Trafton always falls asleep sucking his thumb. In this picture he must have also been chewing on his sock, because it is halfway off and soaking wet.

He fell asleep while playing.

Trafton has really been enjoying sucking on his toes/socks lately.

When I put Trafton in his crib, he usually does the arching his back/scooting thing until he ends up happily cuddled in a corner. Sometimes, he is too sleepy to do this right away, but I will inevitably find him in a corner when he wakes up.

If Trafton gets himself in one of these two corners, we know because we can hear his head playing the piano every time he moves. This is an amusing thing to hear in the middle of the night on the baby monitor.

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