Saturday, May 8, 2010

Baby Shower with MD/PA family and friends

On April 10th, Jessica and my mom coordinated a baby shower for me at Jessica's house. Even though it couldn't be a surprise, it was super fun! The food was delicious and the games were silly :) We received many wonderful gifts and it was great to see so many people that I know from so many different places all in one place!

Jessica - hostess (the party was at her newly built beautiful house near Harrisburg, PA)

Cristl - hostess (in charge of the fun games!)

Mom and Aunt Lo - also hostesses (in charge of the yummy food!)

Mandi and I on the porch

Jessica recording the wonderful presents

Opening gifts in between Melissa and Jessica

Allison just "birthed" her baby first and won the game (the little babies were encased in an ice cube and the object was to "birth"/get your baby out before the others)

Courtney, Allison, Katie, Cristl, Cathy, Tara, Aunt Mary

Joanne, Aunt Lo, Aunt Nancy

Joe and Tom took Daniel to the Troegs Brewery and then for a bike ride around Harrisburg.

Daniel and I after it was all over :)

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