Monday, May 17, 2010

37 Weeks and 5 Days . . . but he's huge!

I have just returned from my latest ultrasound. Baby Bear is doing fine and I feel pretty good, too. The technician was able to get a pretty good 3D view of his face - which was really exciting to see. The interesting news is that he is measuring at 8 pounds, 2 ounces! The doctor that saw us commented that even though he is on the large side, everything looks good because his head is in proportion with his belly. I believe the words were something like . . . "large head" . . . "Buddha belly" . . . "chubby cheeks" . . . "if you can get the head out, you'll have no problem getting the rest of him out." I can't say this doesn't make me a little nervous, but at least he's healthy. The doctor also said that just because he is on the large side doesn't mean I will go into labor early either. All we can do is wait and see. I am feeling good, just exhausted, so I can't say I wish he would come early or late or anthing.

Side view of his head

3D view of his face! We are so excited to be able to see this!!!!


  1. That 3D shot is so neat! I never had anything like that with either kid. I'm sure all will go well for you :)

  2. That pic is awesome. Can't wait to meet the little guy
