Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The Friday that the fair was in town, Daniel's school district was closed, so we decided to take one of our favorite hikes to the Haystacks in World's End. It had rained so much that the Loyalsock was overflowing and the haystacks were actually completely under water! (The 'haystacks' are large smooth rocks that resemble haystacks rising from the water - they are great to play on and swim around in the summer!) It was neat to see such floodwaters. Some parts of the trail were pretty wet, but mostly the trail was okay for walking on. Trafton did great! He stayed awake until right before we came upon the water, then we woke him up to change his diaper and turn him around so he could sleep on the walk out.

Getting ready to head in the woods

So excited!

At the trailhead


Family shot

Trafton didn't quite make it to the water before falling asleep.

Diaper change time on the forest floor

Autumn baby!

In front of the flooded Loyalsock - Trafton has his 'hiking boots' on :)

We turned him facing Daddy's chest so he could get some sleep.

Heading back up

Snacktime - that hike made us both hungry!


  1. looks like you all had a great time hiking...love the loyalsock...

  2. I used to go there as a kid with my family. It is such a nice place...thanks for reminding me!
