Monday, October 11, 2010

4 Months Old!

Today Trafton is 4 months old! He is so much more aware of his surroundings and in this past month he has learned to do so many new things! He plays with toys and reaches for things, he has found his feet and attempts to put them in his mouth during diaper changes, he squeals and giggles (sometimes his squeals are really, really loud and sometimes he gets on a roll in semi-quiet public places . . .), he can roll from tummy to back, he has started to lift his head when he is on his tummy, and he 'refuses' to get in his car seat by making his entire body stiff as a board - this makes it impossible to buckle him in.

Playing with his new ball

Raising his head - he used to always scream through tummy time, but he has become slightly more interested now that he is lifing his head.

Strapped in with Daddy - the Moby wrap makes a great beer holder!

Squeaky clean after a bath

Hanging out with Lish - she stopped by on a visit back east from her current state of Washington. It was, as always, great to catch up with Lish!

Hanging out with the Smiths! Lori has Trafton as Aidan and Lily play the drums.

Relaxing on the couch

BIG Smile!

Trafton still sleeps with hands in the air.

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