Wednesday, October 20, 2010

4 Month Checkup

Today Trafton had his 4 month appointment with the doctor. He did great! He smiled and 'talked' to the doctor and nurses the whole time. When he got his round of vaccines, he was smiling, then the first shot went in and he opened his mouth to scream. He turned purple and did the whole silent cry thing before letting out one long wail of distress. By the time he made a sound, though, the shots were all finished. Then he was back to being happy. He weighs 16 pounds, 7 ounces and is 25 inches long. His percentiles are down in the 70s now, whereas at his 2 month checkup he was in the 90s for both height and weight. I have finally packed away the last of the 3 month clothes and am starting to pack away some of the 6 month clothes that are cut a little smaller. I have a whole bin of stuff already that he is finished with - unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. it is crazy how fast they grow out of the cute little clothes....enjoy these times glad he did so well with his shots.
