Thursday, August 5, 2010

O'Hare Family Party

On August 1st, my parents had a party for both my mom's side of the family and my dad's side of the family to meet Trafton. It was a really gorgeous day at Centennial Park in Maryland near the area where I grew up. We rented a great pavillion that overlooked the lake and the rain never came!

our new family

the pavillion we had rented


Aunt Lo and Mary Lee

Aunt Mary

Trafton loved being in Uncle Bob's arms - he was incredibly content

Uncle Jason holding his adorable little nephew :)

Cathy - my best friend, Cristl's, mom - holding Trafton in one of his sweeter moments

Cousin Dani and her son Conor (Conor wanted Dani to bring Trafton home with her - so cute!)

Dani got Trafton to stop fussing and calm down

1 comment:

  1. Trafton sure is getting around. What a lucky baby to have sooooo many adoring fans!

    I'm at an in-service on Blogs and your blog popped up on my screen. This was the best part of my day. Thanks for updating.
