Sunday, August 8, 2010

NY Road Trip!

This past Friday, we took a road trip to Cortland, NY to watch the morning practice of the New York Jets. It was way more exciting than I actually thought it would be! Then we wound our way home via the backroads of New York and Pennsylvania, stopping in quaint little Ithaca for a stroll. We awoke before dawn and hit the road before 5 a.m. to make the 8 a.m. practice. We arrived just in time and Trafton was a terrific road-trippin' baby. He sleeps very well in the car. I carried him around attached to me so that he got a break from his infant seat since we spent about seven hours in the car that day. He fussed minimally at the training camp and was pretty happy throughout the whole day. It was beautiful weather - in the high 60s during the practice and sunny all day.

As soon as we got off the at the Cortland exit, there were tons of signs all over the town.

Daniel with the SUNY Cortland practice fields in the background.

Trafton's first training camp :)

Mark Sanchez, #6 in the red, the quarterback

Nick Folk, the kicker, in action

Bart Scott in the background signing autographs

Sanchez signing autographs

Trafton and I headed back to the car once for a diaper change. Here he is relaxing in the passenger seat as I get ready to change him. The practice fields were quite a walk away, so luckily we got a ride on a golf cart both ways :)

Ithaca has an area called the Commons, which is an old main street that has been revitalized and filled in with sidewalks. Cars can no longer drive this area, so it makes for a great place to walk and shop. It reminded me a lot of Pearl Street in Boulder, CO.

Taking a break to change Trafton's diaper and stretch our legs. We were home shortly before nightfall. It was a fabulous day!

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