Monday, August 2, 2010


I just love reading to Trafton - it is one of my favorite things to do with him. We have storytime every morning and every evening and sometimes in the afternoon, too! Lately I have been complaining to Daniel that we need to go shopping for more books, since I am getting tired of reading the same ones over and over again.

Then, last week, I received a phone call from Nancy saying that she wanted to stop by and bring a gift from the book club that I am a part of - the Bloomsburg Bookworms. Guess what the gift was?! Here is a picture of the thirty books that were purchased as a welcoming gift to Trafton. I was so shocked and excited! We have only worked our way through about half of them so far - it has been so super fun! There are short ones and long ones and ones with really great amazing pictures, there are funny ones and sweet ones and classic ones, oh - it has been wonderful! Thanks ladies!!
(Unfortunately I have been having much formatting trouble with pictures on here - no matter what I did, this still came out turned sideways)

1 comment:

  1. What a great gift! This might work - try rotating the picture wherever you have it saved before you post it on the blog. Sometimes that works for me.
