Thursday, June 23, 2011

One Year Check-Up

Trafton had his one year check-up on Tuesday. Everything looks great! He weighed in at 24 pounds, 2 ounces and meausured up to be 2 feet, 6 inches long. His height is in the 67th percentile, his weight is in the 54th percentile, and his head size is in the 81st percentile. He didn't even do too bad with his shots.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

We spent this past Father's Day weekend in New Jersey with the Beyers. We relaxed at Pappy's cabin, had some good cookouts, hung out at Michael and Courtney's place (by the pool!), took advantage of some summer clothing sales at the outlet mall in Tannersville (Trafton was getting low on summer clothes that fit), went out to eat at one of our old favorite restaurants, and even went out for ice cream alone after Trafton went to bed at Pappy's house. It was a wonderful first weekend of summer vacation!

Happy Father's Day, Pappy!

Trafton's first dip in the pool. It took him about 15 minutes to stop from crying before he seemed to enjoy the water.

He is beginning to enjoy the water here floating and playing with his toys.

This was Trafton's favorite way to enjoy the pool!

(not actually touching any of the water)

Drying off in the grass with daddy

We took a walk through the woods on Uncle Michael's property on one of the trails that he maintains.

Michael and Courtney have a 10-week-old kitten that just captured Trafton's attention. He got so excited when the playful little thing would dart around him. In this picture, though, he had just spotted a statue in the garden that looked like a cat and he was moving toward it as fast as he could, calling out "ca" for cat the whole time.

Courtney has two beautiful horses on the property. Trafton was scared of them at first, but eventually warmed up to them, calling them 'cats' as well. Here he is sitting on Fire.

This is Courtney's own horse, Sebastian. Trafton enjoyed petting them and sitting on the horses, but let out massive cries when they made any sort of noise or slight quick movement.


Last Monday, my school had its faculty picnic at Knoebels Amusement Park. It was the first time that Daniel and I entered the kiddie section of the park and Trafton's first time riding on rides. We had a great time.

First ride - the helicopters

Trafton also enjoyed the cars.

Trafton could stand in this one and hold onto the steering wheel.

The carousel was one of the only rides that Trafton was not too happy about. He wanted off the horse that moved up and down.

We finished the evening with a train ride through the park.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Birthday Party!

We had Trafton's first birthday party at our house on his actual birthday, June 11th. Our immediate family from out of state came in for the event, as well as a few of our close friends. It was a wonderful time and Trafton enjoyed every minute - especially his own personal cake!

We were lucky to have great weather for the party.

Grandmom and (Great) Aunt Lo

Uncle Michael, Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Courtney

Aunt Melissa

The grandfathers, Grandpop and Pappy

Friends, Jessica and Joe, Scott, Kinsey and Amy

Trafton's taking a break from the action and showing off his new crawling skills!


Cake for the party

Cake for Trafton


Diving in

That is enough! Cake in the eye!

All cleaned up from the cake eating

Time to open presents

Trafton enjoyed ripping the paper (and then eating it).

Uncle Jason (who couldn't make the party) sent up a pool with my parents. Courtney put it right together.

Trafton wasn't so happy about it. Maybe when it has water in it and it's really hot outside . . . ?

O'Hare Family

Beyer Family

Mama and Daddy

Trying out his new corn popper

Sassaman Family

Krauss Family

Enjoying the action

The Final Month of Bambino-hood

Trafton turned one year old on June 11th! The past month has been the most exciting so far. In a matter of a week or two, Trafton started crawling, pulling himself up to a standing position, and walking while holding onto furniture. No item in our house is safe! He is into everything and wants to constantly be on the move! It has been a very fun and really exciting time. He is also starting to point at things and make specific noises, he says "ca" for cat (which is usually followed by squeal of delight) and "doe" for ceiling fan. Many times when he is put to bed in his crib, he decides to crawl around a bit, then stand for a while and walk along the outside edge. The morning of his first birthday, he actually fell asleep standing up, resting his head on the corner of the crib.

Reading a hefty book (one of his favorites to grab off of our bookshelf)

Snuggle time

Starting to empty every kitchen drawer he can reach (it's time to get safety locks)

Eating big-boy food for breakfast: waffles and a smoothie

Cruising toward Animal the cat (notice the ripped-to-shreds tissues in the background - that was fun)

Among the irises

We often play in the backyard while Daniel grills up dinner

On the back patio

Can I eat this piece of grass?

Actually, based on the number of times I find entire blades of grass in Trafton's diaper, I can assume that grass is not easily digested in the body of a one-year-old.

More backyard playtime, with a break for some thumb comfort

Exploring the pond area

Trafton really took to crawling in the grass. We would put him in the grass sitting and he would want to get somewhere, just as if he were anywhere else. However, he quickly learned that his scooting method was neither pleasant nor effective outside and a crawler was born.


Naked - Trafton's favorite way to be!

We actually fell asleep for awhile together here - not a position that Trafton is often interested in taking a nap in.