Monday, June 20, 2011

The Final Month of Bambino-hood

Trafton turned one year old on June 11th! The past month has been the most exciting so far. In a matter of a week or two, Trafton started crawling, pulling himself up to a standing position, and walking while holding onto furniture. No item in our house is safe! He is into everything and wants to constantly be on the move! It has been a very fun and really exciting time. He is also starting to point at things and make specific noises, he says "ca" for cat (which is usually followed by squeal of delight) and "doe" for ceiling fan. Many times when he is put to bed in his crib, he decides to crawl around a bit, then stand for a while and walk along the outside edge. The morning of his first birthday, he actually fell asleep standing up, resting his head on the corner of the crib.

Reading a hefty book (one of his favorites to grab off of our bookshelf)

Snuggle time

Starting to empty every kitchen drawer he can reach (it's time to get safety locks)

Eating big-boy food for breakfast: waffles and a smoothie

Cruising toward Animal the cat (notice the ripped-to-shreds tissues in the background - that was fun)

Among the irises

We often play in the backyard while Daniel grills up dinner

On the back patio

Can I eat this piece of grass?

Actually, based on the number of times I find entire blades of grass in Trafton's diaper, I can assume that grass is not easily digested in the body of a one-year-old.

More backyard playtime, with a break for some thumb comfort

Exploring the pond area

Trafton really took to crawling in the grass. We would put him in the grass sitting and he would want to get somewhere, just as if he were anywhere else. However, he quickly learned that his scooting method was neither pleasant nor effective outside and a crawler was born.


Naked - Trafton's favorite way to be!

We actually fell asleep for awhile together here - not a position that Trafton is often interested in taking a nap in.

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