Sunday, May 13, 2012

Trafton is 23 months old!

 Trafton is only a month away from being a two-year-old!  (Although the terrible twos have certainly already arrived!)  His two favorite words are 'no' and 'mine' although he has started exploding with language.  He says all kinds of new things like 'smoothie,' 'apple,' 'juice,' and will repeat many things that you tell him as well.  He jumped, well flipped, out of his crib for the first time this past month, although he hasn't made much of a habit of it.  He lifts his body up on his arms like a gymnast and then leans forward, causing his body to slide ungracefully headfirst out of the crib.  He has been doing it on the side of his crib where there is a moses basket full of blankets, but it is still scary-looking and, when observed, it seems impossible that he doesn't break his neck.  Probably time for a bed soon :) 

Trafton still takes great interest in rubbing my belly.

He still loves his rocking horse.

Trafton just started doing this when we tell him it is time to go upstairs to bed.  He's been doing a good job of walking up the stairs without help when it's bedtime, but lately he just refuses and pulls this move.

Trafton follows commands very well now.  Except he finds the 'go get Daddy a beer' command to be a good time to ham it up.

Even though the beer was never opened, he sure does a good job of looking like he just had a mouthful!

We recently got Trafton a booster seat.  He seems to like feeling like a big boy at the table with us instead of in a high chair or a clip on seat. 

Peek -

 - a -

- boo!

Trafton still loves to be outside whenever possible!

He also still loves to help out whenever he sees an opportunity.


Trafton was so tired out one morning that he woke up and was sort of whiny/fussy (he never does that) so we brought him to bed with us.  Then we got up and he just kept on sleeping.

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