Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trafton at 22 Months

Trafton turned 22 months last weekend. He is becoming more and more independent every day and also saying more and more words. My favorite new word that he says is 'Elmo.' Unfortunately, in asserting his independence the tantrums are continuing. Sometimes I just can't believe how angry he gets! Luckily using time-outs is still working for us. He is getting increasinly more interested in my growing belly, which is hilarious.

Showing off some skin on our front porch

Trafton enjoys being right in the middle of the cooking action - maybe because there's a chance he'll get a bite of whatever I'm working on. :)

One of Trafton's favorite things to do in the kitchen is get out the plastic salad spinner and wear it on his head. He likes us to wear it, too. He tries to get it to fall off by shaking his head and then he laughs hysterically.

Trafton has become quite the imitator and loves to help out by doing whatever he sees us doing.

Here he was pulling out grass that was growing between our pond stones.

Spring is here - it's so nice to spend time outside!

Trafton is absolutely fascinated by my belly in general, but especially by my 'popped out' belly button. I think he was comparing our bellies in this picture.

Ever since Trafton was very young we have danced with him. Now when he hears a song that he likes, he runs into the computer room and starts dancing. Then we have a dance party. Although we listen to a variety of different kinds of music, Trafton seems to appreciate traditional bluegrass and anything with a heavy beat the most. Here we are having a 'dance party.' Trafton's best move is his 'moonwalk,' in which he slowly walks backwards around the room.

'Dance party' with Daddy

I often make homemade juice in the afternoons, which Trafton really enjoys. As I was getting the juicer and fruits ready, I ran to the bathroom quickly. In that small amount of time, Trafton grabbed his stool and snatched a pear from the counter, which he proceeded to eat. This is how I found him when I came out of the bathroom. He proceeded to eat the entire thing.

Trafton and Daddy having a truck parade - another one of Trafton's favorite things to do.

Morning smoothie time - I cut the top off of a rubber sippy cup lid and this has worked very well for a no spill smoothie experience every morning.

Trafton is getting pretty big for his high chair lately. We recently got him a booster seat and he has really enjoyed sitting on that.

Chillin' with Charley Hogan

"I would really like to dig in that dirt, but I always get yelled at when I do that . . ."

While enjoying a take out lunch from our delicious local burrito shop, Trafton decided to take the paper bag that the burritos came in and put it on his head.

Trafton enjoys many walks around our house and neighborhood.

Enjoying the nice weather

The other day I heard Trafton giggling hysterically from the other room. When I went to see what was going on, this is what I found. He had used his stool to grab the spray bottle full of water that we use to spray the cats when they are bad from the top of the counter. He then figured out how to use two hands to squeeze the nozzle and get a stream of water to come out. When I found him he was chasing two very unhappy cats around the house attempting to spray them with water. He thought this was hilarious.

Trafton has started giving out kisses when we ask for one. He does not, however, have this concept completely mastered. He opens his mouth wide and tries to cover our mouths completely. It's sort of gross, but pretty funny, too. We call it his 'face suck.' We have to keep our mouths tightly closed, otherwise it's pretty much a full on French kiss.

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