Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Baby Owl at 27 Weeks

This pregnancy continues to go very well. I just hit 27 weeks and I am feeling very well. I had a few more incidences with sickness this second time around, but nothing much to complain about. I have also had some practice contracations - Braxton-Hicks - as the doctor says. The doctor says they are perfectly normal, even though I never had one with Trafton. I have only had a few in the last couple of weeks, but that's enought - they hurt! I have also had a considerable amount of heartburn and reflux, which is gross. I love being pregnant, but that is absolutely the worst part of it! I still, of course, indulge in spicy food. I have been taking natural papaya enzymes to combat the heartburn, but it doesn't make it go away completely. Other than that, I feel really great. I have gained a total of 15 pounds so far, which is pretty much exactly where I was with Trafton at this point. I think I gained a total of 23 pounds with him by the time I delivered. Baby Owl moves around a lot, but I don't think nearly as much as Trafton did. It's still so fun to feel her bopping around in there :)

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