Sunday, January 22, 2012


This past Thursday morning, my best friend, Cristl, slipped into a coma. She is being treated at Howard County General Hospital in Maryland. Today is her fourth day in the coma, and, while she is stable, she is mostly unresponsive. She has shown very slight responses a very few times to voices and touch. Her breathing and heart rate are stable. She has been diagnosed with sepsis, which is a poisoning of the blood, although the cause of the sepsis is still unknown. Her neurological function is low, but that may not necessarily be a bad sign at this time.

We grew up across the street from each other when my family moved to the neighborhood when Cristl and I were both seven years old. We made it through everything imaginable together, moved to Colorado when we were 19, and have continued to stay friends no matter how many states separated us at different times. I cannot imagine the world without her.

Please keep her in your thoughts as she is fighting for her life.

The morning after our first overnight trip on Cristl's family's boat - 1987

Ready for school - sometime in the late 1980s

On my porch - high school era

Balloons for my 17th birthday! 1996

Ready to go to our 5-year high school reunion - 2002

Hanging in Baltimore with Cristl's mom and Caroline - the 1990s

One of many shopping trips to Fell's Point in Baltimore - 1990s

Cristl the snow bunny! We went on so many ski trips, I can't begin to imagine where or when this one occurred.

Mini golf - 2004

We spent many warm-weather weekends in high school and early college camping at Wilmer's Park at the music festivals held there. We always took the time to set up the O'Hare Family Tent - which was massive! 1990s

King's Dominion - there was a period of time when Cristl and me and a bunch of our friends spent Cristl's birthday every year at Kings Dominion Amusement Park in Virginia. 1990s

Cristl's first car - also something massive . . . a hooptie :) 1996

Hanging at our friend, Alyson's, college for the weekend - Frostburg State University 1997

My bridal shower - the maid of honor and the future bride - 2007

Spending time with Cristl's mom in our current Colorado home - 1998

My beautiful maid of honor - 2007

Lettin' loose at Equinox XI in Dallas, PA (with Diamond Dog, of course!) - 2006

Hangin' with Amy at Equinox XII - 2007

The Willowtree Inn - 2007

More Equinox good times - 2008

Rockin' it at DelFest with Tara in our portable weekend home - 2009

A rainy Equinox with Amy - 2009

My baby shower - Cristl planned the funniest game called 'Birth the Baby" where everyone was given an ice cube with a miniature baby frozen inside and whoever got the baby out first won - hilarious! 2010

Cristl and Trafton meet in Bloomsburg - 2010

The last Equinox Celebration that Cristl and I shared - 2010

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