Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trafton's Half Birthday

This past Saturday, Trafton turned six months old. I am so thankful that I have been able to spend these last six months at home with him, it has been so much fun! Although I would like to stay home for the rest of his first year, I am trying to be positive about all the things returning to work in a few weeks and sending Trafton to daycare will bring. Here are some images of Trafton at five months old.

Hanging with Daddy in his favorite outfit (naked!) at Pappy's house


Eating on Pappy's dining room table

Thanksgiving outfit (that I forgot to put him in on Thanksgiving!)

We were about to head home from Pappy's house (about an hour and a half ride) and we had packed up the Pack-N-Play and Trafton was just wailing his tired cry. I put him down on Uncle Jonathan's former bed and he fell asleep immediately.

We stopped at this cute little Christmas shop that I think is called Forever Green.

Trafton enjoyed trying to grab any little knick-knack that he could get at in this shop.

For Daddy's birthday this year Trafton gave him the Cold War Kids EP. A little album from a little guy.

Trafton no longer can sleep in socks, because he has them off and usually stuffed in his mouth within seconds.

Heading to the Moose Exchange Market - a great local market on Saturdays on Main Street in Bloomsburg that we can walk to. They have tons of vendors with food, crafts, art, delicious bread (my main reason for going), etc.

We are trying to teach Trafton how to touch Charley Hogan and Animal with 'nice touches" instead of tail and hair pulls. Here Animal is a little more tolerant than Charley Hogan.

Trafton was playing under his baby gym so vigorously one day that it just collapsed on top of him.

Apparently he thought this was funny and continued playing from within the blanket folds.

We keep Trafton's jumper in the kitchen mostly to occupy him while meals are being made.

Trafton in his toy basket!

He loves to feed himself bananas using the baby safe feeder tool.

Trafton was particularly happy because he loves the cats and Charley Hogan decided to curl up on the couch with us.

In front of our first ever live Christmas tree!

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