Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas with the O'Hare Family

Last Saturday, we made the trip to Elkridge to see my family and celebrate with them. It was great to see everyone and have Trafton celebrate his first Christmas with his Grandmom and Grandpop.

Grandpop and Grandmom

Grandpop O'Hare

Uncle Jim and Aunt Lo
(Trafton was starting a bit of a fuss!)

A beautiful stocking for Trafton that Aunt Lo cross-stitched and my mom put together.

Baby Bear's First Christmas ornament - how perfect!


Trafton thoroughly enjoyed messing up Uncle Melvin's perfectly slicked hair - he couldn't stop giggling!

Trafton was so excited to eat any wrapping paper that he could tear off.

Trafton started to get a little fussy opening presents, so I pulled out the last trick - when nothing else calms him down - it's time to get naked! He is a very warm baby, just like his daddy, so he doesn't seem to get cold when he's naked, just happy.

"Now that I've finally got those clothes off, I can really enjoy all these presents!"

Trafton really wanted to play with Uncle Jason's Blackberry.


  1. Too cute! I love the naked little baby opening Christmas presents!

  2. I love the naked baby! He is so adorable. Owen has been a bit fussy over the holidays with so many visitors and excitement so I tried your "naked baby" trick and it seems that he loves this too! THANKS SO MUCH!
