Sunday, October 16, 2011

16 Months and WALKING!

This past week Trafton turned 16 months. He also started WALKING last week! Trafton was extremely fussy for about a week - it was awful. He didn't want to do anything, include be held by us. He was just miserable. Then, on Saturday, he woke up sweet and started taking steps! Apparently he was just 'walking-frustrated.' It's so much fun watching him toddle around (he falls an awful lot still). He's making different sounds for things now, too, like shhh for shoe, the whooo sound for an owl, and kissing noises when he gets a kiss (sometimes).

He's got most of his teeth - we're only waiting on the last set of molars and one other bottom one for the complete set.

One of Trafton's favorite things to do with Daddy

He was sent home from daycare three times during the first month he was there. We started sending him to a new daycare, Busy Little Beavers, in Danville, and have been really happy with them. This is during the afternoon of the first time had to stay home with a fever. The second and third times he was sent home were for a pretty large lump on his forehead after a hard fall and Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (yuk!).

Playtime on the porch

More porch playtime

Naptime with Daddy

My JETS fans

Playtime with Daddy

Storytime with Daddy

In our backyard after the homecoming parade - Trafton got a pom-pom and some beaded necklaces from the parade participants. Since this day, he likes to wrap things around his neck like necklaces (my yoga strap, his block-threading rope). Kind of strange and a little scary, I have to admit.

After we came home from Scott's wedding, Daniel was so tired and it was Trafton's naptime - they just passed out watching football together.

We don't have the pack-n-play set up in our house anymore, but before we took it down, Trafton just fell asleep playing one evening while we were eating dinner around 6:00.

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