Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Labor Day Jamboree

The Sunday of Labor Day, Daniel's brother Jonathan and his friends held their annual Jamboree. This year it was held and Michael and Courtney's house. Their home is a fantastic place to have a party and we had a terrific time. The band was something of a supergroup, consisting of members of both Only Living Boy and Thick Leather Brick. Trafton and I stuck around to hear only about five songs or so, before he was ready to go to bed back at Pappy's house up the street. Still, he hung in there for several hours of partying :)

The band setting up and chatting with cousin Bob

Aunt Courtney and Trafton and the new adorable little puppy, Harley

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Melissa's sister, Courtney, with Trafton

Trafton used his walker to get around the whole property! He had a blast :)

Cousin Bob and his typical behavior of trying to get Trafton to sip his beer

Sitting on the hill watching the band

Trafton was starting to get so tired (he made it through until about 9:00) that he snuggled with cousin Bob.

After the band played their second song, Jon's friend Greg took over the mike, thanked everyone for being there, and then proposed to his girlfriend, Kara. It was so awesome and she was so surprised!

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