Friday, September 30, 2011

Equinox XI: It Still Moves

This past weekend our group of friends held our eleventh annual Equinox celebration. It was nothing short of magical, as I believe I can say year after year. Our family of friends came together to hang out, catch up, relax, throw some shoes, drink some cider and Octoberfest, sleep under the stars, and just enjoy being in the company of so many wonderful people. This was Trafton's second Equinox celebration and he enjoyed himself immensely.

The quiet stage.

This year's Equinox was appropriately named "It Still Moves" after last year's "Humdinger." I mean, it really is amazing that it still goes on after eleven years with these folks. I hope it never ends!

Tom, who is expecting his first baby at the end of January, came over to our house early in the morning to help us carry items up to the farm where the celebration was taking place.

Jim decided to have Equinox cut into our fire barrel this year. Nice touch!

Let the festivities begin!

Trafton took his afternoon nap (you can see his crib in the lower right hand corner) in the field with all the action going on around him. Thank goodness this baby has always been a good sleeper! Uncle Jonathan arrived just as Trafton was waking up.

Aunt Melissa

Darkness settles in over the farm

Hard to see, but the horseshoe tournament went into the evening hours.

Jake, Chris, Joe

Kara and Greg (recently engaged!)

Karen and Trafton

Trafton hung in there until about 9:00. He was enjoying roaming the farm and getting as dirty as possible!

Watching Cabinet play from the hillside

Carrie, Jessica, Joe

Me and Jess

Carrie and Trafton

Fireside hanging

Waiting for Cabinet to start playing, the Benders got a front row seat.

Joe, Jonathan, Brett

Folks gathered around the bar

Cara and Jay

Cabinet takes the stage once again at Equinox!

Trafton really liked dancing on this bench with David.

He also liked playing in the hay right in front of the band.

He started to get tired and almost fell asleep in Greg's arms.

Trafton went to sleep in the tent without a single fuss. He is a very good camper!

Scott was nominated to give this year's Sangria Toast.

He did a great job getting us all to raise our glasses!

Everyone came to the stage area for the toast.

Then Cabinet got right into set number two!

Todd, the fiddle player, actually debuted a new instrument (this is not it in the picture) that he made himself called a fiddlelele (a fiddle made from a ukelele). It sounded wonderful.

Joe is letting loose!

Time to throw some hay around while Cabinet rocks it!

View of the Old Barn area from the camping area on Sunday morning

My boys relaxing in the tent

Joe P. went out in the morning for bagels and cream cheese. He even came back with some chocolate milk for Trafton - which Trafton enjoyed very much.

Tom and Katie with Trafton, sporting their 'hangover' cures (black electrical tape on the head).

Still drinking that chocolate milk

Trafton and Kinsey

Trafton was fascinated by the empty barrels.

Kristin and Brandon - time for lunch on Sunday

Playing with pumpkins

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