Tuesday, March 13, 2012

21 months!

Last Saturday Trafton turned 21 months! He is surely crazier than ever, too :) Some fun things that I have observed lately . . . He is practicing kissing on his stuffed animals. It's hilarious! When you ask Trafton for a kiss, he just comes at you with his mouth open wide and attempts to plant his open mouth on top of yours. Totally not a kiss - but it's what he's made of it. So, he practices this with his stuffed animals which causes them to get all wet with slobber - kind of gross, but so funny! He has also been giving his animals hugs and when he gives them hugs he either pats them on the back or rubs their backs. He has a puppy that when you push a body part, sometimes it asks for a hug - I think this is what has encouraged all the stuffed animal affection! He even rubbed my back the other day when he gave me a hug. Trafton is also becoming quite the dancer. We listen to music pretty much all the time in our house and sometimes when a good song comes on, we'll have a dance party. We run to the room where the computer is (the one we just got carpeted!) and all dance. Trafton is starting to expand his dance moves with his latest ones being his version of the moonwalk and twirling. It's great! He is saying more and more words and signing "more," "drink," and "finished." He is getting very independent and having more and more tantrums, too. However, we have a well-established one-minute time-out rule for bad behavior and so far it has been working wonders. Seconds after being placed in time-out, he is quietly sucking his thumb and the tantrum is over. He also likes to 'help out' with things, too. He puts things in the trash can, puts his dirty laundry in his hamper and generally tries to do things that he thinks will please us.

He now likes to play with his old musical table while squatting on top of it.

We got this table and chairs at a discount store and Trafton LOVED them, but we decided they were extremely unsafe, in more ways than one, and returned them within a week or so. We're still looking for good toddler furniture.

He loves to play the drums with Daddy.

Grandmom and Grandpop got him this construction zone set for Christmas and he has only recently taken up a great interest in it now. He carries the parts to other places in the house and wants us to set them up for him so he can play.

Story time with Pappy

Daniel was moving chairs out of our house one morning and Trafton insisted on helping.

Trafton likes to have 'toy parades' or 'truck parades' and will give one of us a toy and expect us to move about the house with it so that he can follow us. This occurs at least once a day and is definitely a favorite activity right now.

We've had a stool upstairs for a while now to help with teeth brushing, hand washing, etc. and recently Trafton has enjoyed carrying it around to look out the windows. The other day while I was in the kitchen, Trafton tried dragging one of his ride-on toys with wheels over to me to stand on so he could be next to me while I cooked. Later that day I took him out to buy another stool to keep downstairs. He loves it! He takes it all over and uses it to do all sorts of 'big boy' things. Of course, playing the drums is one of the things he enjoys very much.

So sleepy . . .

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