Thursday, March 25, 2010

What - You're Pregnant?!

I love the way the Marisa sometimes posts about the funny things that happen at school when you work with a bunch of 7th graders. So, here's my day: I am working with the Language Arts class and the project for the moment is to illustrate the literal meaning of idioms. I am walking around helping the kids when one boy motions for me to come over. His idiom is "raining cats and dogs." On his paper he has several cats and dogs coming out of clouds in the sky. Very appropriate. Then he says, "Look Mrs. Beyer, I drew a pregnant cat." I paused, unsure of what to say. Then he says, "and here is a baby kitten that just got born." I tell him it looks nice and quickly move on. I guess . . . I inspired his drawing . . . I'm not sure, but he was extremely proud of it. Then I walk over to a group of girls and out of nowhere, one says to me, "Wait - you're pregnant?!" I just looked at her - and then down at my getting-more-enormous-by-the-day belly and smiled strangely. Now even though these are 13 year olds - and they are by nature self-absorbed, I am seriously 7 months pregnant, wearing a tight-fitting sweater (everything is tight these days), and have gained very near 20 pounds over the course of the school year. AND when we first found out that we were having a boy (January), the following Friday I asked a bonus point question on a test that I was giving, "Do you think I am having a boy or a girl?" This girl was present for that spelling test - I just don't understand? It is always interesting, this day was just particularly interesting!

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