Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There's a BOY in there!!!

Baby Bear (beautifully nicknamed by Daniel) is a BOY! We found out yesterday and are just so excited! I had a pretty strong feeling there was a boy in there - now we can refer to it as him and he - SO fun! We have a first and middle name picked out that we both really like - subject to change, of course - but are keeping that top secret until the big arrival date :) Baby Bear is due on June 2nd which is 4 days earlier that originally thought before the 12 week scan. Here are some pictures from all the ultrasounds we've had.

12 weeks - So tiny!

14 weeks - a hand waving hello :)

20 weeks - a foot

20 weeks - the boy parts can be seen to the right a down from the little + symbol


  1. How adorable he is already! I am soooo jealous of you for having so many ultrasounds already! I only ever had 2 - one at 5 weeks and one at 20 and that was it =(! Congrats again! =)

  2. Yea! A boy is sooooo much fun! That's very exciting!

  3. That is so awesome...please keep me in the loop and let me know how you are both doing...I miss being at BMS to share in all the fun!!!
