Friday, January 14, 2011

Seven Months Old

This past week Trafton turned seven months old. He is doing his scooting thing more than ever, and getting really fast at it, but there are still no signs that he is interested in crawling. He has this mischievous little laugh whenever he starts scooting somewhere, like he knows he's headed for trouble. Often he is headed for trouble - under a tight table, into a blazing hot radiator, near some electrical cord . . . someday we'll babyproof this house :) He is still a super happy little guy, even after two weeks of daycare! He is able to sit up on his own for a few minutes, but as soon as he reaches for something a little bit far away, he loses his balance and flops over. He is babbling and blowing raspberries all the time now. He still has just two teeth, the two on the bottom. He is eating all kinds of good foods and still hasn't refused anything that I've made for him, which is encouraging.

In the morning while I get ready for work, Trafton goes in his exersaucer in front of the door mirror for added entertainment.

Playing with basket that holds all the toys is certainly way more fun that playing with the toys themselves!

Ready for a run in a new cold-weather suit from Uncle Jason

How do you carry both the baby and the clean laundry upstairs - just put the baby in the basket with the laundry, of course!

Trafton went through a phase for a couple of days where he was only sleeping on his tummy. Odd, since he never likes to be put on his tummy.

Trafton still loves the cats - he is practicing his 'nice touches' with Animal.

I am still bathing Trafton in his sling since he can't totally sit up without easily flopping over yet. He seems so big for it, but I think it'll just be easier until I can feel safer about having him in just the tub part.

He is getting much better about sitting in his high chair lately. It seems to be the tray part that he really dislikes.

Standing time with Pappy

Wanna see my tongue?

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