Friday, September 14, 2012

Monthly Update - Quay is Two Months Old!

This past month has been delightful and exhausting.  Having two kids is pretty intense!  Daniel went back to work and we are starting to fall into a nice routine.  How I only wish that it could continue longer than the end of October when I will have to return to work!

Trafton is still attending his daycare center twice a week, which gives me two days of alone time with Quay.  I've started running again (we purchased a terrific double jogging stroller that I love!) and I've started taking Trafton to Toddler Time at our local library where we sing and dance and listen to stories.  Naptimes are predictable and there is even an hour in each day when both kids are napping at the same time, which is glorious!

Trafton has started talking even more, coming up with new words that we haven't taught him, so he must be picking them up at daycare or from television.  I bought him pajamas from one of his favorite TV shows, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and he wants to wear them every day and every night and has no interest in putting anything else on at all.  He still loves to be outside, loves to wrestle, and has vicious tantrums when things don't go his way.  He shows so much affection for Quay, it melts my heart time and time again.  He holds her hand in the jogging stroller, calls out for her when she cries, asks where she is when she is in her crib napping or when he comes in the door from daycare, sits near her and talks to her - to which she responds with smiles and coos, and wants to hold her and share his story books with her.  I couldn't ask for a better big brother for her!

Quay is becoming more alert and personable.  Her eating, sleeping, and waketime schedule is becoming more predictable and, while she isn't quite sleeping through the night, the nights have become a little easier as well.  She goes to bed around 9:00 and wakes at 1:30ish to eat. We have decided to let her cry herself back to sleep after eating at this time.  This takes about 10 minutes usually.  She then wakes again around 5:30 to eat and will go back to sleep for about an hour or so.  She still only sleeps on her stomach or on her back tightly swaddled.  I swaddle her at night since I can't be there watching her tummy sleep all night. 

I had been getting her through the night by holding her in the guest room and letting her sleep on my chest.  This way she'd stop crying and Daniel could get the sleep he needed.  We decided to stop this.  This isn't what we did with Trafton, we let him cry it out and he is a terrific sleeper.  I can't be completely sure of my reasoning for wanting to hold Quay so much and let her sleep with me - I never let Trafton sleep with me.  It has a little bit to do with the fact that she may very well be the very last baby that I have, that when I look at Trafton I am blown away by how quickly his babyhood passed and I just want to cherish every second of Quay's, and simply that she is a girl.

Quay coos and smiles and will engage in interactions quite well.  She is holding her head up extremely well when sitting and during tummy time.  She moves her arms and legs like crazy when she is on her back.  Her measurements at her check up last week were 12 pounds, 2 ounces and 23 inches long.  Her belly is gigantic! 

Bumbo seat

Trafton talking to Quay while I make morning smoothies

He is always wanting to touch her.

Trafton really likes sitting in the Bumbo seat, too, ever since we pulled it out of storage for Quay.  He is watching another one of his favorites - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler . . .

our long chillin' and grillin' sessions on the patio are coming to a close.


Dozing off during our patio relaxation

Loving his sister

While stretching after his run, Daddy felt a sudden strain on his low back . . .
Quay has a very wicked cry - high pitched and loud for such a little one!

Loving Quay some more!

Refusing to eat his waffles for breakfast, and instead sucking his thumb and rubbing his eyelash and squeezing his eyes shut to pretend we aren't there
If Quay falls asleep on her back, it never lasts longer than a couple of minutes because an arm will inevitably go flying and wake her up.

Boppy time
Daddy's doing some neck stretches during Morning Joe when an unexpected 40 pounder comes along thinking that if Daddy is on the floor, he must want to wrestle with me!

If Quay is having blanket time, Trafton must have blanket time, too.
Dancing together - Trafton gets a kick out of this!

Trafton LOVES chocolate!

Trafton loves to help Daddy mow the grass.
He also loves to help us pull weeds (grass, sometimes flowers) and move rocks from one part of the yard (where they are needed) to other parts of the yard (where the are really in the way).  He does these tasks with such concentration and an attitude like what he is doing is critical to the success of something.

"Okay, I know I asked to hold Quay, but I'm tired of posing for pictures and what I'd really like to do is play with this car in my hand."
I really can't get enough of this smile!

More porch chillin'

We have only recently allowed Trafton to go up and down the stairs on his own - and he loves this!  Of course, he tests the limits by trying to play on them.
I love how excited Trafton is in the picture that he and Quay are both on Daddy's lap!
Quay helping me get ready for our annual Equinox Celebration
Nightly story time in Trafton's bed

My friends Megan and Lauren came over to meet Quay.
Daddy snuggling

The Jets (and the Ravens!) both won their first games of the season!

Tiny Jets fan

This is a rare Charley Hogan snuggle moment - since he has been medicated for his neurotic behavior, Charley has not wanted to snuggle much at all.
Our new jogger - the Chariot - I love it! (Trafton loves it, too!)
Quay's first cool morning jog in our single jogging stroller

Sooooo sleepy!

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