Monday, July 2, 2012

Mouse - Yikes!

We've had our share of issues with our dear cat, Charley Hogan.  I think he has caused more distress in our lives than any other single thing.  We have tried so many different things to modify his behavior and make him into a good cat.  For the past 6-8 weeks, we have been giving him a blend of anti-anxiety medication.  We have also been using a Feliway air diffuser that releases unscented hormones into the air to help calm him.  This appears to finally be working for us. 

Aside from all of that though, Charley Hogan was a hero to me last week.  There was a mouse in our house and our younger, faster, and sweeter cat, Animal was unable to sniff it out and catch it.  But, Charley was was right on top of the little guy.  Once Charley got the mouse in his mouth, Daniel picked Charley up, mouse and all, and put him in our backyard.  This is where Charley stayed, both satisfied with his kill and with the fact that he was being allowed in the outside world.  I mostly just freaked out during the entire incident and tried to keep Trafton and myself out of the way of the mouse.

Making sure the mouse isn't going anywhere

Extremely pleased with himself

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