Sunday, November 13, 2011

17 Months Old

On Friday, Trafton turned 17 months old. He is getting more and more vocal and mobile every day. He walks well now and even runs a bit and dances, too. He makes all sorts of sounds that mean things like'ba' for balloon (every time we go grocery shopping and see the balloons). He is growing like crazy, too. We bought him a fall wardrobe on Labor Day weekend and he has pretty much outgrown everything. He is wearing 24 month clothing and 2Ts now.

These pictures are all before the freak snow storm came through in October and killed all the plants in a matter of hours.

I have these baby food containers that I used when I made Trafton baby food when he was younger. They are still in one of our kitchen cabinets and he loves to go in the cabinet and get them out and take them all over the house.

Doing a little dancing

Daniel has told Trafton that 'Uncle Johnny' lives in our basement. Uncle Johnny was Grandma Beyer's brother (a man I never met) and the Beyer lore says that he used to live in Grandma's basement. When Grandma Beyer passed away, one of the items that we took from her house was this old red leather chair (that I love!). Anyway, Daniel says that means that Uncle Johnny's spirit is in our house and he tells Trafton to call down to him in our basement. Trafton is not allowed in the basement, so he hangs over the gate that looks down the stairs and calls to him. The whole thing is pretty ridiculous, but Trafton, not to mention Daniel, gets a kick out of it.

Watching football

My sweet sleeper

Trafton still absolutely insists on sleeping completely covered up (head included). You can see his foot sticking out at the bottom of the picture.

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