Friday, April 29, 2011


It has become so nice so quickly that last Thursday we decided to work in the yard. Daniel had the day off and I took the day off. It was a bit chilly in the morning, but then turned out to be a beautiful day.

Rich and Daniel removing winter berry bushes that lined the back of our property. They were huge and out of control for a long time. I didn't get out in time to take a 'before' picture - the boys got started early and I was just coming home from a run, so I missed the beginning of the action! The bushes were so wide and thick that they comepletely covered the foundation of our neighbor's house (the white house in the background).

Our yard feels bigger and cleaner now!

There were a few dumptrucks full (Rich is a tree guy, so he graciously offered his help and his dumptruck) that were taken to the compost site.

Last year on Father's Day, when Trafton was only a little over one week old, we planted these rhododendrons in his honor.

Next project - till the garden! Al came up to help and brought his tiller along.

Working hard :)

Now - my job: time for planting early crops. I planted romaine, leaf lettuce, broccoli, and spinach.

Little lettuce sprouts

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