Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow Day!

Since I have gone back to work at the beginning of January, we have had four snow days. Not that I am complaining - I love the days off and I am more than happy to stay home and play with Trafton all day :) On this last snow day, last Wednesday, it was more of an ice day, but we still got out in the backyard for a few minutes.

Trafton has always had the philosophy of the less clothes, the better, so he really hated getting all bundled up like this. Though, once he got outside he was fine.

Squirming with daddy

Trafton is sitting really well now. Although, it was tricky to get him to sit in our hilly backyard since the snow was so hard with a layer of ice on top. Being all of twenty pounds, he didn't really sink into the snow.

Trying to stand in the snow

Okay mama, I think I am ready to go inside now.

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