Saturday, January 8, 2011

Back to Work

This week I went back to work after a seven month maternity leave. Monday was actually extremely difficult, but after that it got much better. Trafton is doing very well at his daycare. He is even drinking milk from a sippy cup, which I really still can't believe. I was so worried that he wouldn't be getting any milk during the day because he won't use a sippy cup at home and he never took a bottle. But, on the first day, he drank both cupfuls that I provided for him and ate all the food that I sent! I couldn't be happier about that. It's nice, too, to be back to work with a bunch of colleagues that I really like. I definitely like my job and am lucky to work in a really great school where people get along well. My group of seventh graders seem like a nice bunch of kids so far, too. I am working on establishing a routine in the morning and in the afternoon so that everything runs a little more smoothly. Daniel has been taking him to daycare - which we are calling 'school' for him, and I have been picking him up in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you are adjusting well. I know how hard it is. We have always told Gavin that he is going to "school" as well so that he gets used to it. I saw Trafton at "school" laste week when I was picking Gavin up. He is too cute and getting so big. Also, he was very happy so no need to worry there!! Good luck and see you in May.
